Composition: here are the notes that make your music more effective (part 9)


How to use ties to compose an effective melody

In the last lessons we learned suspensions in depth. Today, starting from one of the most important features of suspensions, we introduce a new essential tool.

We learn how to use this new tool, to compose an effective melody and to improve other basic melodies.

This lesson is very important in order to learn composition!

Learning material of this lesson

5 videos 28 mins
1. Why rhythm is so important to compose a melody 2m 43s
2. The tie between two bars: an essential new tool 6m 14s
3. How to compose a melody by using the tie (part 1) 7m 21s
4. How to compose a melody by using the tie (part 2) 7m 12s
5. The tie between many bars 4m 44s
+ 1 pdf file
... to continue this video lesson

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