Category Archives: Music Reading

The 52 essential music reading exercises (part 5)


Practicing with semiquavers

Today we will introduce a very important exercise which you will find in a new figure to read,


Thanks to the help of the introductive video and most of all the audio files in which all the exercises of the lesson are recorded, you will easily get over this difficulty too.

As you can see, you are becoming more and more expert in reading notes!

Learning material of this lesson

Video Introduction to exercises
+ 1 pdf file
+ 5 audio files
... to continue this video lesson

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The 52 essential music reading exercises (part 4)


How to sight read

Many people wonder how a musician is able to sight read a music sheet never seen before, for example on the piano.

It seems a very difficult thing to accomplish as it needs many years of study as well as a thorough knowledge of the instrument.

The ability of sight reading is really a very simple technique which can be learned even by beginners.

Today I will explain exactly what this technique consist in so that you will be able to apply it to all music reading exercises.

You will be able to apply it while playing the piano.

We will also introduce some new exercises which allow you to take a step further in reading notes

Learning material of this lesson

Video Introduction to exercises
+ 1 pdf file
+ 12 audio files
... to continue this video lesson

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With a Free account you gain immediate access to 15 lessons of piano, theory, harmony, music reading and composition (36 videos).

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The 52 essential music reading exercises (part 3)


Reading pitch of notes quickly

Is there a way to practice reading the pitch of notes quickly?

This is what we are going to practice today!

In the video lesson today, I will explain which is the best way to learn to read the pitch of notes.

You will be able to apply this to the new reading exercises in the pdf files below, followed by audio files.

I advise to study on a regular basis as in short time you will be able to read music and play it on your instrument, whether it be the piano, guitar, flute or violin.

Learning material of this lesson

Video Introduction to exercises
+ 1 pdf file
+ 15 audio files
... to continue this video lesson

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With a Free account you gain immediate access to 15 lessons of piano, theory, harmony, music reading and composition (36 videos).

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The 52 essential music reading exercises (part 2)


In the lesson of today, we will continue with the study of 52 very important music reading exercises.

These exercises make up the basis on which many great European musicians were formed during the course of the last century. This is a demonstration of their efficacy!

Thanks to these exercises, you will read the notes but most of all, you will be able to play straight off written music on the piano, guitar or any other instrument you are able to play

As I explained in the previous lessons, you will be able to learn these exercises very easily thanks to the audio files below, which are numbered following the order of exercises on
Pdf files.
What is more, I have added a explanatory exercise which will help you understand how these exercises should be studied, in order to get the most out of them and optimize your learning.

Learning material of this lesson

Video Introduction to exercises
+ 1 pdf file
+ 9 audio files
... to continue this video lesson

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With a Free account you gain immediate access to 15 lessons of piano, theory, harmony, music reading and composition (36 videos).

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The 52 essential music reading exercises (part 1)


Music reading exercises

Today we begin to practice some very important exercises.

In several lessons, we will learn to do exercises which progressively become more difficult and which in short time will give you the basis to learn music correctly.
Firstly, we will learn how to use the audio files which are found in each lesson.

Furthermore, if you follow fhe lesson which I show you, it will be like doing real reading music lessons with a teacher beside you.

Today we will do some very important exercises based on conjunct motions.

Enjoy your lesson!

Learning material of this lesson

3 videos 16 mins
1. Essential exercises of music reading 4m 38s
2. How to get the most of audio files 4m 55s
3. How to do exercises correctly 6m 28s
+ 1 pdf file
+ 5 audio files
... to continue this video lesson

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With a Free account you gain immediate access to 15 lessons of piano, theory, harmony, music reading and composition (36 videos).

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Music reading: do you want to practice in a very effective way?


Music reading practice

Today we will introduce  a new level of music reading practice.
It is a very important new type of exercise,  which if done correctly will  enable you to read any music sheet at first sight and play it immediately on your instrument.

In reality, despite music reading often being said to be boring and useless, it can be as interesting and exciting as playing the piano or guitar.

The important thing is to understand the basics from the start, combining them with the concepts we have learned up to now. In this lesson you will  also learn a very important way to keep time in order to distinguish beats.

This will be very useful  if you study music reading more in depth and most importantly of all if you want to write music on paper.

Moreover, before  taking a look at all of these topics, we will finish what we started in the last lesson, that is learning to identify beats when the time signature is 3/4 or 2/4.

Learning material of this lesson

4 videos 22 mins
1. How to identify beats in 3/4 5m 06s
2. How to identify beats in 2/4 3m 26s
3. How to keep time in order to distinguish beats 8m 48s
4. A new way to keep time and an exercise to learn how to do it 4m 35s
+ 1 pdf file
... to continue this video lesson

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With a Free account you gain immediate access to 15 lessons of piano, theory, harmony, music reading and composition (36 videos).

This content is for members only.

Here is how to read pitch and duration of notes at the same time


How to read pitch and duration of notes at the same time

In the last lesson we saw staf and clef which represent graphically the pitch of a sound and are very important.
If we put together both pitch and duration of notes, we are able to read written music perfectly.

Today we will see how to read pitch and duration of notes at the same time, firstly through theory and then with some practical examples.

After this lesson today, you will be able to make the big step which will bring you into the world of music reading.

Learning material of this lesson

5 videos 24 mins
1. How to read pitch and duration of notes together 1m 48s
2. How to find the beats on staff 4m 22s
3. Time signature: how to use it 2m 52s
4. Practical exercises for identifying beats 1 7m 06s
5. Practical exercises for identifying beats 2 8m 09s
+ 1 pdf files
... to continue this video lesson

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With a Free account you gain immediate access to 15 lessons of piano, theory, harmony, music reading and composition (36 videos).

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Do you want to know how to read notes in all clefs?

solfeggioHow to read notes in all clefs

Up to now, in our study of reading and writing music we have seen in-depth how to represent the duration of a sound.
Today we will finally get to understand how it is possible to represent the pitch of a sound. We will therefore learn to understand how the pitch of a sound can be represented by introducing two fundamental elements: the staff and clef

In this way it is possible to write the notes with their right pitch. However we will not stop here.

After this lesson, you will be able to read all notes

  • in  treble and bass clefs
  • all other F clefs (baritone clef) and C clefs  (soprano, mezzosoprano, alto and tenor)

So you will be able to recognize all notes on any music sheet!

Furthermore, we will learn to understand two essential concepts:

  • How to find an absolute reference sound (C4) on the music sheet
  • What are ledgerlines and how to use them

Finally, you will be able to find a pdf file containing all written notes in treble and bass clefs.

After this lesson you will be able to read music!

Learning material of this lesson

7 videos 45 mins
1. How to name the notes and distinguish their pitch 7m 55s
2. What is the staff? 8m 23s
3. What are the clefs? 5m 35s
4. How to read the notes in treble and bass clef 6m 21s
5. The other F clefs and the C clefs 5m 24s
6. How to read the notes written above and below the staff 6m 04s
7. We find a reference sound in order to play any instruments in all clefs 5m 51s
+ 1 pdf file
... to continue this video lesson

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With a Free account you gain immediate access to 15 lessons of piano, theory, harmony, music reading and composition (36 videos).

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Reading notes and rests practice (part 2)

solfeggioMixing notes with rests

In the last lesson we did several exercises to learn how to read notes of different duration. As you may have noticed we have not yet seen a fundamental element of music which is the duration of rests.

Today we will introduce this important element and learn how to read it correctly.  Moreover I will teach you a very effective system which you can learn now and which will help you gain a clear idea of the duration of rests in reading notes.

In today’s lesson and through the exercises you will learn to mix notes and rests and read them correctly.

Learning material of this lesson

6 videos 40 mins
Intro 1m 53s
1. Why it is important to read rests correctly 9m 38s
2. Examples of reading rests 9m 41s
3. Exercises with figures of different duration 1 9m 47s
4. Exercises with figures of different duration 2 4m 40s
5. Exercises with figures of different duration 3 4m 16s
+ 1 pdf files


... to continue this video lesson

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With a Free account you gain immediate access to 15 lessons of piano, theory, harmony, music reading and composition (36 videos).

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Reading notes practice (part 1)

solfeggioHow can we read notes with the right rhythm?

In the previous lessons we learnt the most important symbols to represent the duration of sound.

Now we have to put into practice what we have learnt.

So how do we read notes? When we find a series of notes of different duration, how do we read them with the right rhythm? Today, through a series of exercises, we will learn to read of one or more bars while keeping time.

You will also learn other fundamental notions including:

  • how to read and play written notes, starting immediately with a right and precise “tempo” (speed)
  • how to find the right “tempo” to practice and perform.

Learning material of this lesson

5 videos 32 mins
Intro 2m 48s
1. Basic practice 1 (crotchets, minimes, semibreves) 7m 15s
2. Basic practice 2 (quavers and semiquavers) 3m 32s
3. How to find the right “tempo” to practice and perform 8m 47s
4. Practice with other rhythmic figures 9m 27s


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With a Free account you gain immediate access to 15 lessons of piano, theory, harmony, music reading and composition (36 videos).

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