The secret of really understanding modulations: the circle of fifths (part 3)


The circle of fifths

What do we mean with the term ‘circle of fifths’?
Why the tonalities are sorted in a circle?
Why do we need the enharmonic relation to create the circle of fifths?

These are some of the questions we will answer today. Then we will understand all the practical benefits of the using of circle of fifths.
At the end of the lesson we also introduce the essential concept of ‘closely related keys’ and we find a very quick method to find all the closely related keys.

In this way, after these video lessons you are ready to use modulation in a very effective way!
To get the most of this lesson I suggest you to watch before the following videos (if you haven’t already done):

The Equal Tempered System and the Enharmonic relation (part 1)

The Equal Tempered System and the Enharmonic relation (part 2)

Learning material of this lesson

6 videos 39 mins
1. Introduction to the lesson 3m 20s
2. The fifth relation and the circle of fifths 4m 53s
3. How can we obtain the circle of fifths 7m 23s
4. Closely related keys and distantly related keys 10m 53s
5. How to understand modulations through the circle of fifths 4m 50s
6. The major scale degrees and closely related keys: a very strong relation 7m 05s
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