
What is the enharmonic relation and which are the advantages that it offers?


The enharmonic equivalents

In the previous lessons we took an in-depth look at the tempered system. We are now able to understand why its introduction is necessary in music practice.

Today, other than this subject, we will look at the most important consequences linked to the use of the tempered system and learn about what is known as ‘enharmonic relation’.

As you will see, we will learn the huge potential of using enharmonic sounds in the development of harmony. Since 1700, all great composers have used in their composition the resource of enharmonic relation.

From today, you can learn how it is possible to use this.

Enjoy the lesson!

Learning material of this lesson

5 videos 18 mins
1. Equal tempered scale and harmonic relation 2m 15s
2. What are enharmonic equivalents 3m 20s
3. The first consequence of using of enharmonic relation 4m 15s
4. The second consequence of using of enharmonic relation 3m 17s
5. The third consequence of using enharmonic relation 5m 15s
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The 52 essential music reading exercises (part 2)


In the lesson of today, we will continue with the study of 52 very important music reading exercises.

These exercises make up the basis on which many great European musicians were formed during the course of the last century. This is a demonstration of their efficacy!

Thanks to these exercises, you will read the notes but most of all, you will be able to play straight off written music on the piano, guitar or any other instrument you are able to play

As I explained in the previous lessons, you will be able to learn these exercises very easily thanks to the audio files below, which are numbered following the order of exercises on
Pdf files.
What is more, I have added a explanatory exercise which will help you understand how these exercises should be studied, in order to get the most out of them and optimize your learning.

Learning material of this lesson

Video Introduction to exercises
+ 1 pdf file
+ 9 audio files
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Piano, a new piece to learn to play (part 4)


Let’s play the whole piece

Today we will conclude this cycle of lessons in which you played a new piece.

We will focus on a detailed study of the most difficult passages and most importantly we will see the secrets of ‘changing row’.

We are now ready to introduce all the most difficult signs on the sheet music which contribute to make our piece even more musical.
We will see how to perform all the new signs which we analized in the first part of this first cycle of lessons (rall, fermata).

Now you are able to play a new piece  which is more difficult than the first one

Most of all, if you want to play a new piece on your own,  in which you find quavers and accidentals in key signature, you will know what to do.

You might not realize it but you are progressively learning to play the piano!

Learning material of this lesson

8 videos 45 mins
1. The first difficulty of passage of row 6m 24s
2. The second difficulty of passage of row 8m 39s
3. We tie the second and third row 5m 42s
4. Another suggestion for the last change of row 3m 39s
5. We play the whole piece 4m 31s
6. Some advice when studying any piano piece 3m 37s
7. We add expression symbols and dynamics 4m 37s
8. How to interpret new ‘tempo’ symbols and how to play them 7m 35s
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Piano, a new piece to learn to play (part 3)


Studying the most difficult points

When people start learning the piano, they often try to do it from start to finish with the result that they contine to make the same mistakes. In this way, they never really learn to play that piece and lose a lot of time.

Why is this?

For a very simple reason. Learning to play a piece on the piano does not mean to play it hundreds of time from start to finish, wasting precious time.

To learn to play a piece, it is usually enough to identify the most difficult points and study them more in depth. Therefore today I will show you exactly how to study those difficult points.

With time, you will see that just like me you will be able to spot these points and study them in a more correct way.

In this way you will rapidly learn to play the pieces you want including the more difficult ones.

Learning material of this lesson

5 videos 30 mins
1. Learn to play the first row hands together 1 5m 11s
2. Learn to play the first row hands together 2 6m 09s
3. How to study the second row 9m 36s
4. We get to the last row 5m 47s
5. A general rule to link the various rows of a piece 3m 20s
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Why D sharp and E flat are two different notes with the same pitch


The equal tempered system

In starting to study music theory, many people try to apply it to the keyboard or a piano but find themselves faced with difficulties.
It is important to understand that the same black keys have different names, for example G sharp and A flat.

You may have even wondered the reason of this, especially in studying the theory of intervals. Perhaps you have also asked yourself if the C – D shrp interval is the same as C – E flat interval.

In the lesson today, we will try to give an explanation to this and find where this ambiguity comes from.
In this way we will explore the world of music systems that have been used throughout the history of music.

Most importantly, we will introduce a new and very important concept:

The Equal Tempered scale

Learning material of this lesson

4 videos 17 mins
1. The problem of black keys and how to determine the pitch of notes 4m 23s
2. The first two musical systems 4m 03s
3. How can G sharp and E flat have a different pitch? 5m 20s
4. The equal tempered system and the main consequence of its introduction 4m 03s
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How to build seventh chords (first part)


Four notes chords

Up to now we have seen chords made up of only three notes.

Today we will open a new and very important chapter. We will discover how to build chords of 4 notes.
This will allow us to introduce new subjects including:

  • Why chords of more than three sounds are always dissonant
  • Seventh chords
  • How to find the root of the chord, even in very complicated chords
  • How to build seventh chords on major scale
  • How to call the notes which make up the seventh chord correctly

Learning material of this lesson

4 videos 25 mins
1. How to build 4 notes chords 4m 09s
2. The seventh chord on the major scale 4m 33s
3. Learn to call all notes of the chord in a correct way 9m 09s
4. The seventh chords on other degrees of a major scale- Various examples 7m 11s
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Piano, a new piece to learn to play (part 2)


How to study hands separate

In the previous lesson, we analized in depth all the part relative to the sheet music of the new piece and mostly we learned to read the notes in a corret way.

Today we wil transfer all this knowledge to the piano!

Other than the fingering which as you know is fundamental to play a piece well, we will learn to play hands separate.

We will also try to understand how to move along the keyboard when playing a piece in which the black keys have to be used.

Since the piece we are studying starts to show new difficulties, it will be necessary to learn how to use the metronome correctly.

Learning material of this lesson

5 videos 30 mins
1. Identify the notes on our keyboard 7m 19s
2. Learn the correct fingering 4m 51s
3. How to set the hands correctly to play this piece 7m 20s
4. How to play hands separate and learning to use the metronome correctly 6m 55s
5. A trick to use the metronome when studying with a very slow tempo 3m 43s
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The 52 essential music reading exercises (part 1)


Music reading exercises

Today we begin to practice some very important exercises.

In several lessons, we will learn to do exercises which progressively become more difficult and which in short time will give you the basis to learn music correctly.
Firstly, we will learn how to use the audio files which are found in each lesson.

Furthermore, if you follow fhe lesson which I show you, it will be like doing real reading music lessons with a teacher beside you.

Today we will do some very important exercises based on conjunct motions.

Enjoy your lesson!

Learning material of this lesson

3 videos 16 mins
1. Essential exercises of music reading 4m 38s
2. How to get the most of audio files 4m 55s
3. How to do exercises correctly 6m 28s
+ 1 pdf file
+ 5 audio files
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Tension or rest? Here are the chords that allow you to have this effect


Consonant and dissonant chords

Have you ever heard a piece of music and noticed that a chord has a sense of stability and relax, to be immediately followed by another chord with characteritics of tension and movement?

Music is made up of alternation between rest and tension and for this reason we must find chords to express these two characteristics.

In today’s lesson, we will see consonant and dissonant chords. In this way, when we must choose which chords use, we will know which are their characteristic, either tension or stability.

Most of all, this lesson will be a fundamentali introduction to a new and more important chapter: seventh chords.

Learning material of this lesson

5 videos 20 mins
1. Consonant and dissonant chords 5m 21s
2. Consonant triads in major scales 2m 59s
3. Dissonant triads in major scales 3m 19s
4. Consonant and dissonant chords in minor scales 5m 58s
5. Here is how to obtain other dissonant chords 2m 31
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Piano, a new piece to learn to play (part 1)


Let’s learn to play the second piano piece

Today we will start a new cycle of lessons in which you will learn to play the second piece at the piano.
Thanks to the study of this, we will put into practice many things that we have already learned

So let’s see which are the main new things. We will:

  • learn to play new figures such as the quavers
  • also use the black keys
  • get used to changes of rhythms of the melody
  • learn to develop a greater hands independence
  • introduce new graphic signs (the fermata..)
  • learn to use the metronome in the study of piano pieces

These are only some of the things that you will learn studying this new piece, other than the great satisfaction of playing a new piano piece

So I will stop talking and have a good lesson!

Learning material of this lesson

4 videos 31 mins
1. Presentation of the piece 5m 39s
2. We analize the sheet music, learn to interpret the accidentals in key signature and other
new things
4m 40s
3. Reading the notes with their correct duration 9m 42s
4. Now we are able to read the single parts 11m 20s
+ 1 pdf file
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