
Do you want to know how to make your melodies more interesting and agile? (Part 3)


How to compose melodies using escape tones and reaching tones

Today we will put into practice what we have learned so far from the previous lessons.
We will see how to compose melodies using the non harmonic notes we have just learned.
This will allow you, in one way to understand how to use these new resources in the best way and on the other hand, it will make you aware of the effectiveness that these notes can give to your melody.

Remember that sometimes it just takes a small touch to transform a discreet melody into a beautiful one.

It is this touch which we obtain through the use of the notes we are about to learn.

Firstly I wil show you how to widen the disjunct motions using some non harmonic notes which give some really impressing results

At the end of the video, you will find a printable sheet music in pdf containing the melodies we will study and which can help you study the lesson

Learning material of this lesson

4 videos 39 mins
1. How to widen disjunct motions to make a melodic frame more pleasant 5m 51s
2. We learn to compose a melody using escape tones in all their combinations 10m 41s
3. Compose a melody with the reaching tones 11m 29s
4. We compose a melody using all the non harmonic tones we know 11m 06s
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Music reading: do you want to practice in a very effective way?


Music reading practice

Today we will introduce  a new level of music reading practice.
It is a very important new type of exercise,  which if done correctly will  enable you to read any music sheet at first sight and play it immediately on your instrument.

In reality, despite music reading often being said to be boring and useless, it can be as interesting and exciting as playing the piano or guitar.

The important thing is to understand the basics from the start, combining them with the concepts we have learned up to now. In this lesson you will  also learn a very important way to keep time in order to distinguish beats.

This will be very useful  if you study music reading more in depth and most importantly of all if you want to write music on paper.

Moreover, before  taking a look at all of these topics, we will finish what we started in the last lesson, that is learning to identify beats when the time signature is 3/4 or 2/4.

Learning material of this lesson

4 videos 22 mins
1. How to identify beats in 3/4 5m 06s
2. How to identify beats in 2/4 3m 26s
3. How to keep time in order to distinguish beats 8m 48s
4. A new way to keep time and an exercise to learn how to do it 4m 35s
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Harmonic cadences, only give me one hour and I will explain what they are (part 2)

armonia1What is the interrupted cadence?

In the last lesson we introduced the concept of cadences and most importantly learned to understand its importance in a progression of chords.

We have studied the first four types of cadences.

Today the things that you will learn include:
– which are the other types of cadences (the interrupted cadence, the decepted cadence, the mixed cadence)
– when these cadences can be applied in the minor key
– which is the only cadence that can be used in the minor key
– How to identify cadences in the four songs that we have

As will be seen after the lesson of today, you will have made a great step ahead in understanding how to create a cadence.
Finally you will find a pdf table with the principal cadences

You will be able to apply immediately all of this in the moment you write your music!

Learning material of this lesson

4 videos 23 mins
1. The interrupted cadence, the decepted cadence, the mixed cadence 6m 38s
2. The use of the first three cadences in minor keys 4m 11s
3. The use of the other cadences in minor keys and the phrygian cadence 6m 18s
4. We look for cadences in famous songs that we have already studied 5m 56s
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Part 1: The interrupted cadence, the decepted cadence, the mixed cadence

Part 2: The use of the first three cadences in minor keys

Part 3: The use of the other cadences in minor keys and the phrygian cadence

Part 4: We look for cadences in famous songs that we have already studied


Attachments-Table of cadences pdf (click here)


What consonances and dissonances are and how to recognize them at any time.


What are consonances and dissonances?

Music is made of continuous alternating between moments of tension and rest.
We have already mentioned how in the scale some notes have a dynamic role (dominant and leadin tone), while others have a function of rest (tonic). When overlapping sounds, we can create either a sensation of stability or of tension and thus create a harmonic interval.
Depending on the possible combinations, we are able to obtain very different sensations of hearing.

Today’s lesson includes various things:

  • We will see in depth consonances and dissonances
  • We will introduce an important concept, the resolution of a dissonance.
  • We will learn to classify different intervals and when an interval is consonance or a dissonance

At the end of the videos you will find a pdf table classifying the consonance and dissonance intervals.

Learning material of this lesson

4 videos 22 mins
1. What consonances and dissonances are 3m 46s
2. The way to classify intervals in consonances and dissonances 4m 56s
3. Practical examples of consonances and dissonances 6m 04s
4. What is ‘resolution’ and its important consequences in studying harmony 6m 50s
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Piano – here are the exercises to learn to play the black keys (part 2)

Learning to play the black keys

What are the risks of learning to play the piano from videos and without a master?

The only risk is the one of not doing the exercises learned correctly as there is no-one to check and correct you.

However if you know in advance which are the most common mistakes made in starting to study these exercises, you can avoid this by making sure you don’t make the same mistakes yourself!

The first thing that I will show you today is exactly which are the most common mistakes to avoid in begining to study the exercises which we learned the last time and how to correct them.

But this is only one of the several things you will learn today, including:

  • How to do the exercises studied in the last lesson as best as you can thanks to the use of different angles
  • How to do a new exercise with the black keys
  • How to organize as well as possible the study of all exercises when you have little time available.

Learning material of this lesson

4 videos 24 mins
1. The most common mistakes: exercise on white keys 7m 33s
2. The most common mistakes: exercise on black keys 4m 51s
3. A very important variant of the black key exercise 6m 16s
4. How to do all exercises on pianoforte having little time available 5m 51s
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Do you want to know how to make your melodies more interesting and agile? (Part 2)

chiave-do5What is the secret in obtaining a good melody?

It is fundamental to have the right balance between the following:

  • conjunct motion
  • disjunct motion

After learning the first type of non harmonic tones which allow us to obtain disjunct motion, today we are going to learn two other types of notes with the same characteristic.

As you will see, these notes have a series of properties which can give a certain touch to your melodies

You are gradually learning many new tricks that you will help you express you full musical personality in writing music.

Learning material of this lesson

4 videos 26 mins
1. Principal features of the two new non harmonic tones which allow disjunct motion 2m 50s
2. Escape tones: what they are and when to use them 5m 50s
3. We learn about escape tones in-depth and the advantages in using them 7m 20s
4. The reaching tone: how to skip to a non harmonic notes and obtain a very particular effect 9m 54s
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Here is how to read pitch and duration of notes at the same time


How to read pitch and duration of notes at the same time

In the last lesson we saw staf and clef which represent graphically the pitch of a sound and are very important.
If we put together both pitch and duration of notes, we are able to read written music perfectly.

Today we will see how to read pitch and duration of notes at the same time, firstly through theory and then with some practical examples.

After this lesson today, you will be able to make the big step which will bring you into the world of music reading.

Learning material of this lesson

5 videos 24 mins
1. How to read pitch and duration of notes together 1m 48s
2. How to find the beats on staff 4m 22s
3. Time signature: how to use it 2m 52s
4. Practical exercises for identifying beats 1 7m 06s
5. Practical exercises for identifying beats 2 8m 09s
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Harmonic cadences, only give me one hour and I will explain what they are (part 1)

armonia1What are the harmonic cadences?

Today we will introduce a fundamental concept which helps to understand the logic which makes up the base of harmonic structure of any music sheet.
I am speaking about harmonic cadences. In this lesson we will start to see the first types of cadences in order to understand their fundamental importance in musical discourse

The lesson of today is also important for another reason: we will conclude the study of harmonic analysis of the four music sheets by analysing the last song which distinguishes itself from the other three and has a very important feature:

Its chords are built using a minor scale

In this way we will start to see in practice which are the features that link the chords on the degrees of minor scales and the most used progressions.

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Piano – here are the exercises to learn to play the black keys (part 1)

pianoforte4How to play the black keys

Up to now, in our piano lessons we have used only white keys which correspond to natural notes  (corresponding to C major scale).

Obviously we often have to play a written sheet music with some sharps or flats key signature. Even if these accidentals are not written in key, they may sometimes appear during the piece.

This happens very frequently.

It is necessary to begin to play the black keys immediately in order to make sure that in the future we don’t find ourselves not being able to play something in which the use of these is required.

As you will surely have noticed, the black keys are very different from the white ones. It is therefore necessary to understand how to use them and most importantly of all to have an exercise which applies the technique of using  black keys 

This is what we will learn in this lesson although it will not be the only topic.

I will in fact teach you another important exercise to be applied to the white keys and which will enable you to start playing more notes with the same hand and at the same time.
Moreover this excercise will allow you to avoid the main mistake which people make when starting to play the piano.

Learning material of this lesson

4 videos 17 mins
1. Two new exercises 3m 47s
2. The white key exercise to practice playing more notes with the same hand at the same time 4m 49s
3. The exercise to learn the correct technique of playing black keys 5m 00s
4. Some considerations on new exercises 3m 32s
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Do you want to know how to make your melodies more interesting and agile? (Part 1)

chiave-do5How to make a melody more interesting

In the precedent lessons we spoke about non harmonic tones. These notes however, in the costruction of our melody, allow us to obtain only steps between adjacent degrees of the scale we are using.

A good melody is not only done between adjacent steps but a furher element is necessary to give variety.

So what is this element of variety?

It is the disjunt motion.

How can we obtain disjunct motion in the composition of our melodies without using only the chord notes?
It is what you will learn in these lessons in which the first non harmonic tones will be introduced allowing us to obtain disjunct motion and to make our melodies even more interesting.

Learning material of this lesson

4 videos 29 mins
1. Why disjunct motions are so important? 3m 33s
2. Anticipations: what they are and how to use them 7m 57s
3. A further element of variety for our melodies: indirect anticipations 7m 34s
4. How to compose a melody using anticipations 10m 06s
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