How to play a succession of more than 5 notes
Today, we will start a very important subject – the thumb passage technique.
This is a fundamental piano technique which will allow you to carry out succession of more than 5 notes. It makes up the basis to learning scales!
However this technique must be learned immediately and in the correct way.
Very often, people who start learning the piano on their own do not go through this passage correctly.
This causes a series of problems which are difficult to resolve, so today we will see in-depth how to carry out the thumb passage technique correctly.
Furthermore, we will start music reading in bass clef through specific exercises which can be printed out along with the audio files.
Have a good lesson!
Learning material of this lesson
6 videos | 18 mins |
1. How to play a succession of more than 5 notes | 3m 01s |
2. The thumb passage technique and how not to carry it out | 3m 38s |
3. First two phases of the technique | 3m 17s |
4. Third phase of the technique | 1m 55s |
5. Return of the third finger | 1m 19s |
6. Introduction of music reading exercises in bass clef | 5m 05s |
+ 1 pdf file | |
+ 6 audio files |

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