What kind of personal information do we gather from our users?
Yourmusiclearn.com only gathers personal information and contacts from people who explicitly ask to receive the newsletter from the website, from those that subscribe to the site’s membership or from the buyers of the website’s products. Typically, these informations are the name, the e-mail address used to register and any kind of data the user chooses to give after buying the website’s products. These informations are given by the users themselves.
How do we use these informations?
The info that the users submit are used for internal marketing purposes. Yourmusiclearn.com does not sell, trade or release the personal information of its’ users (name, e-mail address, mail address, and so on). The data is not subject to sharing with third parties.
Modify or delete the information
The users have the right to ask the cancellation or modification of the information in our archives at any time. The cancellation can happen via the unsubscribe link that can be found in any communication. The modification can be requested via e-mail at the address: info[at]yourmusiclearn.com