Tag Archives: accent

Strong beat and weak beat, downbeat and upbeat: let’s define these concepts clearly


Strong beat and weak beat

Rhythm is an essential element of music.
For this reason it is necessary to understand how it is really structured and how it gives music the feature of movement.

Today we will go more in-depth into this concept and introduce some fundamental concepts including:

  • what are downbeat and upbeat
  • what are rhythmic accents
  • what distinguishes strong beat from weak beat
  • why strong beat is so important in melody and harmony

Learning material of this lesson

5 videos 20 mins
1. Why music is motion 2m 54s
2. What are downbeat and upbeat 1m 51s
3. Binary, ternary and quaternary rhythmn 3m 21s
4. Rhythmic accents: strong beat and weak beat 4m 28s
5. Two considerations about the importance of strong beat 7m 27s
... to continue this video lesson

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