The Chromatic ‘Appoggiatura’
The ‘appoggiatura’ is an essential tool to obtain some very effective melodies.
To get the most of ‘appoggiatura’ we need to know them in depth and for this reason in today’s lesson we will focus on some very important topics.
Moreover we will understand how to compose some melodies with ‘appoggiatura’ working in different tonalities.
Most importantly of all we will introduce a new effective kind of ‘appoggiatura’:
The chromatic ‘appoggiatura’
What is it? How can we use it?
By introducing chromatic ‘appoggiatura’ we will leap in composing melodies!
Learning material of this lesson
6 videos | 44 mins |
1. Introduction to the new lesson | 2m 40s |
2. Examples in different tonalities. How to switch from a chord to an ‘appoggiatura’ | 9m 07s |
3. How to use appoggiatura with particular chords (lowered sixth degree) | 9m 02s |
4. The ‘leading-tone appoggiatura’ | 7m 15s |
5. The chromatic ‘appoggiatura’ | 7m 40s |
6. How to mix different kinds of ‘appoggiatura’ | 7m 46s |
+ 1 pdf file |

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