Learning to play the black keys
What are the risks of learning to play the piano from videos and without a master?
The only risk is the one of not doing the exercises learned correctly as there is no-one to check and correct you.
However if you know in advance which are the most common mistakes made in starting to study these exercises, you can avoid this by making sure you don’t make the same mistakes yourself!
The first thing that I will show you today is exactly which are the most common mistakes to avoid in begining to study the exercises which we learned the last time and how to correct them.
But this is only one of the several things you will learn today, including:
- How to do the exercises studied in the last lesson as best as you can thanks to the use of different angles
- How to do a new exercise with the black keys
- How to organize as well as possible the study of all exercises when you have little time available.
Learning material of this lesson
4 videos | 24 mins |
1. The most common mistakes: exercise on white keys | 7m 33s |
2. The most common mistakes: exercise on black keys | 4m 51s |
3. A very important variant of the black key exercise | 6m 16s |
4. How to do all exercises on pianoforte having little time available | 5m 51s |

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