How to understand relations between keys
What does ‘to modulate’ mean?
‘Modulation’ is the switching from one key to another.
Up to now in our video lessons we have worked only in one key at a time, but when we compose we often need to switch from one key to another. In order to be able to modulate in the right way, we need to understand in depth relationships between the different tonalities which are all tied together.
For this reason today we will start learning relations between keys that will allow us to understand modulations in depth.
Learning material of this lesson
6 videos | 29 mins |
1. The relations between tonalities | 3m 17s |
2. Different keys, common notes | 6m 40s |
3. A typical feature of tonalities, the key signature | 4m 52s |
4. Flat keys | 3m 55s |
5. The key signature for minor keys: permanent and temporary accidentals | 4m 18s |
6. Relations between major and minor keys | 6m 13s |

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