How to use the leading tone seventh chord
Among the seventh chords, the leading tone seventh chord is maybe the most fascinating.
It is in fact a chord with a very particular atmosphere and difficult to define just as it is usually difficult to define music.
Today we will get to know in-depth the leading seventh chord in order for you to use it correctly in your composition.
Here are some of the things you will learn in this lesson:
How to resolve the leading seventh chord
How to get the most out of inversions
Should we use the passing seventh?
The direct and indirect resolution
Before introducing the leading seventh chord, we will conclude dominant seventh by looking at when it is best to use it and in which musical situation it gives the best results.
Learning material of this lesson
5 videos | 31 mins |
1. When to use dominant seventh chord and why it has a strong tension | 4m 45s |
2. Seventh chords on the seventh degree | 4m 13s |
3. The leading tone seventh chord and how to play it at the piano | 4m 41s |
4. Resolutions of leading tone seventh chord | 7m 51s |
5. Inversions of leading tone seventh chord | 10m 04s |

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