The three main benefits of using inversions
In the last lesson we spoke about chord inversions and looked at how to build them and what exactly is their importance. Today we will go one step further.
We will see in depth which are the 3 main benefits of using them and we will do this with some practical examples.
We will see how the introduction of this important tool, will allow us to improve significantly the progressions of chords we are using in our composing.
Moreover in the last video I wanted to explain to you in depth which are the principal notation systems of inversions, both in the study of classical harmony and in pop music.
Learning material of this lesson
7 videos | 52 mins |
Intro | 1m 39 |
1. The sonor features of inversions | 10m 35s |
2. The first benefit of using inversions | 8m 06s |
3. The second benefit | 5m 20s |
4. The third benefit | 11m 46s |
5. The names of the inversions and how they are represented grafically 1 | 5m 58s |
6. The names of the inversions and how they are represented grafically 2 | 9m 38s |

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