How to read notes in all clefs
Up to now, in our study of reading and writing music we have seen in-depth how to represent the duration of a sound.
Today we will finally get to understand how it is possible to represent the pitch of a sound. We will therefore learn to understand how the pitch of a sound can be represented by introducing two fundamental elements: the staff and clef
In this way it is possible to write the notes with their right pitch. However we will not stop here.
After this lesson, you will be able to read all notes
- in treble and bass clefs
- all other F clefs (baritone clef) and C clefs (soprano, mezzosoprano, alto and tenor)
So you will be able to recognize all notes on any music sheet!
Furthermore, we will learn to understand two essential concepts:
- How to find an absolute reference sound (C4) on the music sheet
- What are ledgerlines and how to use them
Finally, you will be able to find a pdf file containing all written notes in treble and bass clefs.
After this lesson you will be able to read music!
Learning material of this lesson
7 videos | 45 mins |
1. How to name the notes and distinguish their pitch | 7m 55s |
2. What is the staff? | 8m 23s |
3. What are the clefs? | 5m 35s |
4. How to read the notes in treble and bass clef | 6m 21s |
5. The other F clefs and the C clefs | 5m 24s |
6. How to read the notes written above and below the staff | 6m 04s |
7. We find a reference sound in order to play any instruments in all clefs | 5m 51s |
+ 1 pdf file |

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